Francis Nugent Dixon wrote:

Can anybody tell me if the IDE for RunRev is
the same on a PC as it is on a Mac ?

Having used PC versions of some applications,
I often found important differences from their
Mac counterparts, but I'm certainly not going to
buy the PC RunRev Studio, just for the pleasure
of finding out myself ...... :>)

I need an answer from someone who has worked
them both, or at least who knows for sure.

I'm spending my time in increasingly diverse workflows, jumping between OS X, Win 7, and Ubuntu throughout the day. The differences between them are minimal these days, and even more so in Rev.

In Rev, any IDE is merely a collection of stacks that runs on top of the engine. The first IDE for this engine was MetaCard, then FreeGUI, then Rev, then mine, then Jerry's, and there may be others. All just stacks - you can write your own too if you're so inclined; it can be kinda fun.

Since they're all just stacks, yes, the Rev IDE is one set of stacks that runs on all all platforms. There's a little bit of platform-specific branching code in them, but not much, and overall you'll find the IDEs very similar from OS to OS with most of the differences being related to the OS itself.

For example, in OS X folks are used to seeing one menu bar that all apps share. This is currently unique to OS X (though there are some noises from Canonical suggesting this may be adopted in Ubuntu down the road because it makes better use of screen real estate).

So in Windows and Linux you'll find the IDE's menu bar is attached to the top of the toolbar, while on Mac it competes with your app, sometimes showing Rev's menu bar and sometimes showing your app's (in my own IDE this has been dealt with in a way that saves the most screen real estate possible by not having a menu bar at all; think NeXT; more on that later).

There are other differences as well, similarly minor yet if you spend a lot of time working in Rev they'll take some getting used to.

For example, older Mac keyboards still had a Return key distinct from an Enter key. This distinction has been gone from the PC world for a long time if it ever existed at at all, and having been dropped from the Mac world in recent years Apple has removed one more inconsistency between the OSes. Instead, there's one key which in Rev maps to the ReturnKey message but is labeled "Enter". As with newer Macs, on PCs you can trigger the EnterKey message by using Function+Enter.

This difference means that compiling and closing scripts requires you to press two keys, Function+Enter, as using Enter alone will just put a Return character into your selection.

When you get started using Rev on Windows or Linux, if you've been using an older Mac you may find yourself instinctively striking Enter thinking it will trigger an EnterKey message to compile or close your script, but like any other such habits it doesn't take but a few days to pick up new keyboard habits.

You'll also find that the Ask and Answer dialogs flip the order of buttons to be consistent with Windows, in which they're laid out with the confirmation button on the left and the Cancel button on the right. If you're accustomed to triggering those buttons with the Enter and Escape keys you'll find they work the same as on Mac, but if you click on them your muscle memory will undergo some retraining to adapt to the different layout.

I think you'll find other differences on the same order: relatively minor, and somewhat easy to adopt new habits to get used to, probably in just a couple days.

Echoing Andrew Kluthe's sentiments, one thing you may enjoy about the PC world is the nearly infinite variety of hardware you can run your OS on. This isn't a Rev-specific factor at all, but for Mac folks entering the PC world it's a pleasant surprise: using Apple machines is like driving a Bentley, quite nice if you enjoy the luxury but if you just need to get around town a Nissan can do quite well at a fraction of the price. Having picked up some additional PCs here recently after having bought Macs almost exclusively for years, seeing the variety of hardware I can choose from at such low prices has been a very welcome eye-opener.

I hope you enjoy your exploration with a new OS. I find switching OSes to be a very healthy mental exercise, putting me more in tune with all of my customers. It's kinda like traveling to a foreign country in some respects, with similar benefits.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World
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