On 09/06/2010 01:18 PM, Dave Cragg wrote:
On 6 Sep 2010, at 04:04, Chipp Walters wrote:

Any early thoughts on Apple's new social network? It seems to be getting some 
concerned reviews.
Is this a trick question, Chipp?

Anyway, I agree with whatever your thoughts are, unless they're wrong. :-)



All social networks raise "concerns"; of course they do; normally those concerns are raised by liberal types who, oddly enough considering they consider themselves 'liberal', are worried about how these social networks might be used to pollute the minds of the "tinies"; and the "tinies" and other tiny-minded types might get up to 'naughty things'. And, as 'liberals' they are busy thinking up ways to restrict access to social networks, forgetting that most people
who really want to do "naughty things" will do them, regardless.

Well; these things could happen.

However; we should all be the keepers of our own consciences, and not "air our dirty linen" in places where it can be spread around the world lickety-split (i.e. on the internet).

Water does find its own level; some is pretty murky, and best avoided - but as God gave us
brains it is up to us to use them.

Some of the things silly people put of FaceBook are incredible . . .

Mind you, some other people, who have developed mental filters, use these social networks
for "nice things".

Well; there's a fairly right-wing opinion for you.

Come on, let's hear a well thought-out socialist opinion to even things up . . . :)

sincerely, Richmond Mathewson.
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