I have never used the geometry manager. This is supposed to do exactly what 
you asked.

But it would be better to do it the old fashioned way, just to practice 
using Rev. Let's say that your text field is one quarter the height and   three 
quarters the width of your stack. Trap the "resizeStack" message. Get the 
height and width of the new stack and set those properties of your field by 
scaling accordingly. Now do it with a custom property. Or yet another way. 
Simple and fun.

If your field has a fixed topLeft, set that, too. If not, scale it in the 
same way.

Read about the "resizeStack" message. There is, I have found, a message, 
property or function that seems to do exactly what you need to get a job done. 
This is because Rev has just about everything imaginable. The hard part is 
finding these goodies. You need to learn to do this, and pay special 
attention to the "see also" stuff when you attempt search. In this case, you 
have tried "resize". That would lead you quickly to the right place. But 
even if you searched "stack" or "size", you still would have found the right 
message. This is an art, just like searching Google. You get good at it after 
a while.

The alternative is to learn, and remember, the entire dictionary. Good 

Craig Newman
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