I am trying to recover text from this web page and all of its siblings:


The interesting part of the page is the comments, which do not appear in the 
HTML, but which can be copied manually. I can open this page in a browser in 
LiveCode. With manual mouse motions, I can double click a block of text, choose 
"Select All" from the "Edit" menu, choose "Copy" from the "Edit" menu, and then 
paste into a field where the comments all appear and are easy to disassemble. 

Unfortunately, the revbrowser set command and get function do not do anything 
comparable AFAICT. The "Select All" choice is not implemented in the DoMenu 
command. I think that printing a pdf is also out. So, any thoughts on how to 
automate this part of a petition review? For instance, maybe there is a simple 
way to save the text to a file with the revBrowserExecuteScript function (using 
JavaScript for Safari)?

BTW, the browser is fully capable of crashing LiveCode on at least some OSX 
machines. Please don't lose any work for me.


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