Hi All,

I've been playing with revMobile and have successfully loaded an app on my 
iPhone in the vertical orientation.... and except for an occasional screen 
going black issue all works as I expected.

However, I've been trying to develop a second app in the horizontal 
orientation.... not one that can be rotated, just one to work only in 
horizontal. For that I tried using info from the alpha handbook.... 

To change the orientation of the user interface use the following command:
iphoneRotateInterface orientation Here orientation is one of:
• • • •
portrait – the screen is not rotated portrait upside down – the screen is 
rotated 180 degrees landscape left – the screen is rotated 90 degrees 
counter-clockwise landscape right – the screen is rotated 90 degrees clockwise

I placed the command in the preopenstack handler... to no avail.

I also simply reversed the width/height of my new stack from the version that I 
already had working... well, the new stack shows up on the iPad simulator, but 
not the iPhone simulator even when I rotate the phone to the right or left.

Obviously I missing something... I hope it is something very basic.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

take care,
randy hengst_______________________________________________
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