On Sep 28, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Peter Haworth wrote:

I think the issue is whether the version of the sqlite drivers in LiveCode are up to date enough to include foreign key support at all. According to http://www.sqlite.org/foreignkeys.html, foreign keys were supported as of SQlite version 3.6.19 but I don;t know how to find out what version of sqlite is included with LiveCode. If foreign key support is included, it's off by default so you do have to enable it as detailed by Trevor.

4.5 comes with 3.6.22. You can check the version of SQLite included with the IDE by placing the following in a card script of a stack in your plugin folder. Just make sure the card has a single field on it.

on preopenCard
   put specialfolderpath("temporary") into theFolder
   put theFolder & "/" & the milliseconds & ".db" into theFile
   put revOpenDatabase("sqlite",theFile,,,,) into theConn
put revDataFromQuery(tab, cr, theConn, "SELECT sqlite_version()") into theData
   revCloseDatabase theConn
   put "Installed SQLite version:" && theData into fld 1
   delete file theFile
end preopenCard

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Learning Systems
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