On Sat, Oct 2, 2010 at 8:29 AM, Peter Haworth <p...@mollysrevenge.com> wrote:
> I'm having a number of issues with datagrids created in LiveCode 4.5.
>  Datagrids created by Revolution 4.0 still work fine.
> I am unable to create custom column behaviors for any columns using the
> recommended method.  I click the plus sign for the column, the card with the
> row template is displayed, I select the row template group but the Edit
> Group button in the toolbar or on the Object menu is greyed out and doesn't
> function.  If I select the card containing the template for the datagrid,
> then select the Row Template group,  the Edit Group command is available to
> me.
> I have a default column behavior script which I use for all my datagrids.
>  Those created under 4.0 correctly execute the various handlers in that
> script but any created under 4.5 never execute any of the handlers in that
> script (the default column behavior is set to the correct button).
> I see two new handlers in the default column behavior supplied with LiveCode
> - PreFillinData and ResetData.  What are some uses for these handlers?
> I also saw a recent post to this list regarding some new built in drag and
> drop reordering handlers in the default script - they don't appear in my
> default script.
> I have been using the Data Group Handler plugin.  I have removed it from the
> Plugins folder in the Application bundle but these problems did not go away.
> Any answers much appreciated.


To clarify things about DGH (Data Grid Helper):

1) About interaction with the IDE.
- DGH traps double click and click ONLY on datagrid groups.
- it interacts with the LiveCode's inspector ONLY for the objects in
its template area.

2) About scripts
- DGH build scripts to fill column behaviors but it is not able to
change how the datagrid library performs.

3) About templates
- DGH uses its own way to edit the templates of a datagrid in a
special area and never directly in the datagrid template it edits.
- DGH not uses the IDE to edit templates.

So DGH is not capable to generate the issues you describe:
- group capability disable in the IDE  (menu and toolbar)
- handlers not working in a behavior script

-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)
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