On 10/2/10 6:25 PM, Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
Thanks David. Then that's what the property should be named in the
Inspector and I wouldn't have had this problem.

I'm sure that Richard's suggestion is a good one, but just that much
more for us to learn. KISS!

The IDE offers two ways to view property labels in the inspector, as Richard was saying. One way is to provide a descriptive label, which is the default for all new installations. The descriptive label tries to tell more explicitly what the property acutally does, but is usually not a term you can use in a script. The other way to view the labels is by the actual LiveTalk property name that is used in scripts and which appears in the dictionary.

You can indeed make the property inspector show the actual property names, as you suggest. Do that by setting the very first preference in the General pane of the Preferences dialog to "Name of LiveTalk property". Then the inspector will do as you suggest above, and show the real names of the properties. Like Richard, I also tell all new scripters to turn off the descriptive terms and use the actual property names instead.

If you want to leave the inspector as you are used to with description showing instead of names, there is a second way to see the actual property name. You must have tooltips turned on for it to work (they are on by default.) Just hover your mouse over the property label in the inspector and the actual property name will appear in a tooltip. If you have reversed the preferences so that the actual name is in the label, the tooltip will display the descriptive term instead. In other words, tooltips will show whichever label you have not set as the default in preferences.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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