On 10/11/2010 6:16 AM, roger.e.el...@sealedair.com wrote:
Richmond wroe:
I would love to be able to trap when a modifier key is down like this:

on shiftKeyDown
     do blah, blah, blah
end shiftKeyDown

but it seems that that is not possible in LievCode, unless, of course,
I'm missing something . . .

I can only determine its state within an if-then statement.  Perhaps try a
rawKey handler.

on mouseUp
    if the shiftKey is down then
       answer "DOWN, the shiftKey is."
       answer "UP, the shiftKey is."
    end if
end mouseUp

I think what Richmond was after was a message that get's sent when he presses the shift key, not detecting when it's down. The only way that comes to mind would be a front script that captured the keydown/keyup or rawkeys messages, check for the shift key state then fired a message to a handler of your choosing.

You'd have to pass on the original event in either case and make sure you didn't set up some sort of infinite loop though.

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