On 10/13/10 10:53 AM, Jonathan Lynch wrote:
Thanks J,

Unfortunately, I have tried using different elements of the clipboard array
already. When I copy the webpage in question (GPHIN, a restricted-access
site), it returns empty on all elements of the clipboardarray in 4.0, but
works fine in 2.6.1.

Also, for the second problem I listed, the clipboard["text"] element returns
html text in 4.0, but works propertly 2.6.1 - this occurs when copying
certain eurekalert pages.

I wonder if it's a function of your browser. I know in Firefox I had to install a plugin to allow me to choose either html or plain text when copying. If you copy and paste into a different app, what do you see? Is the behavior reproducible on other web pages too?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jac...@hyperactivesw.com
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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