On 10/13/2010 10:06 PM, Razvan Pantescu wrote:
I've started to study Livecode, don't know too much of it. I'm living about 
250km north of Danube (Focsani, Romania)

So any suggestions so I can read or list all the words from a Textarea?

I set up a stack with 2 fields:

1. field "targetTEXT" containing the text I wanted to analyse,

2. field "wordList" (a listField).

then I made a button with the following script:

on mouseUp
   put the number of words in fld "targetText" into TXNUM
   repeat with AA = 1 to TXNUM
      put word AA of fld "targetTEXT" into line AA of fld "wordList"
      end repeat
end mouseUp

clicked on the button and "away we go".

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