Well there was a thread a while back where someone doing floating point math 
was getting the wrong results. I don't remember what the exact circumstances 
were, but it gave me pause, as some were saying that this was inherent with 
software that did computations with floating point math, and that all such 
software had to take this into account. 

I remember at the time thinking, "Dang! I wanted to use this for conference 
registration software but now I am worried about the math, if I have to do tax 


On Oct 13, 2010, at 12:23 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

> Bob,
> no, I do not solve that, I just use that stack for simple calculations
> usually only integers and every now and then some floats. Never reached any
> limit.
> When you say rounding error, you mean the way it errors when doing math with
> some very fine 

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