Le 14 oct. 10 à 12:17, Francis Nugent Dixon a écrit :

Hi from Beautiful Brittany,


Nice, handy little calculator.
(I didn't check out all the possibilities !)

However, I think light grey commands on dark
grey buttons are hard to read, especially for
the +, -, * and /.

Maybe push the fontsize up to 18, or even 24
where possible ?

I have spent hours trying to find out the nicest
mix of "colour 1 on background 2", and although
not very imaginative, I am forced to admit that
black on white is close to the best, with dark

blue on very light yellow, close behind,

That's confirmed by results of researches in Ergonomics

Dark text on light background combination are recommanded; among these kinds of combinations the black on white one brings the best legibility (and users' judgement of pleasantness).
Infortunately very often ignored!

By force of professional habit, sorry :-)), I will refer to one (only one) paper :

Greco M., Stucchi N., Zavagno D., Marino B. (2008). On the portability of computer-generated presentations: The effect of text-background color combinations on text legibility. Human Factors, 50, 821-833.

Just my 2 cents!

Best regards from Grenoble


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