Hi Dixie,

This really is a big hassle. You'd have to set several cRevGeneral, 
cRevGeometry and cRevGeometryCache proprties by script. It is possible but 
really compliated.

Alternatively, you might try to create a copy of an existing field, which has 
its geometry settings already. After creating is, call the revUpdateGeometry 
and revCacheGeometry commands. I can't guarantee that it works, but you might 
give it a try.

I'm pretty much an opponent of using the geometry manager. In more complicated 
projects, there is always a moment when it breaks. I always write my own script 
to manage object sizes and locations. It is faster, more reliable and easier to 
maintain in the end.

Best regards,

Mark Schonewille

Economy-x-Talk Consulting and Software Engineering
Homepage: http://economy-x-talk.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/xtalkprogrammer
KvK: 50277553

Download the Installer Maker plugin for Runtime Revolution at http://qurl.tk/ce 
Create installers for Mac and Windows on *every* Rev-compatible platform. No 
additional software needed.

On 16 okt 2010, at 00:08, John Dixon wrote:

> Hi...
> Is it possible to set the geometry of an object by script so that the 
> settings are then reflected in that objects' inspector ?
> be well
> Dixie

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