On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 3:24 AM, Mark Wieder <mwie...@ahsoftware.net> wrote:

> Andre-
> Friday, October 15, 2010, 11:48:42 AM, you wrote:
> > Glad you liked it! :-)
> > Given infinite time and money I'd implement UserRPL and SystemRPL...
> It would be fairly easy to get from here to a full-fledged FORTH
> system, but you'd have to add more keys.

I considered buying an FPGA kit and trying to implement a FORTH system in it
or buying one of the new arduinos (with more space and processing power) or
an MBED and trying to create a FORTH for it but I recognize that I don't
have the necessary knowledge and can't spend that money right now but one
day I will...

I've already made a small ASMx86 interpreter in Rev, next steps are:
implementing Scheme and then FORTH. :-D

> --
> -Mark Wieder
>  mwie...@ahsoftware.net
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