If I want to install my application on my laptop as well as my desktop all for my own use, you're suggesting I install a pirate copy of the IDE on one of my computers (I think).

Pete Haworth

On Nov 15, 2010, at 12:33 PM, Kevin Miller wrote:

On 15/11/2010 20:23, "Jeffrey Massung" <mass...@gmail.com> wrote:

Ah, I see. But why build a standalone for your own computer?

Sorry to be blunt, but isn't that a bit of a silly question? If the personal edition is for personal use, and RunRev's position is "why build a standalone for your own computer?" then why offer it as a feature of the personal edition
at all?

I haven't looked at the personal edition, so maybe it's also used for academic licenses or for distributing stacks among an academic institution (in which case I understand the feature). But, I imagine that there's other ways that
could be done as well without the use of a banner.

For example, perhaps when the standalone is built there was an option to bind the executable to a specific domain name or subdomain where any machine in
that range can run the application with no banner popup?

Well, if you're using stacks on your own computer, and you don't want to wait for the banner to go away, and you don't want to pay more than $99, why not run them in the IDE? You can create a standalone but you're going to have to wait a short time while it loads. Its not exactly an eternity, I have many applications that take longer than that to load. We might be open to shortening it a little, but this is one of the differences between a
personal and commercial license.

Kind regards,


Kevin Miller ~ ke...@runrev.com ~ http://www.runrev.com/
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