It has been very stable for me on OS X 10.2.6.

Bill Vlahos

On Wednesday, July 16, 2003, at 03:32 PM, Simtech Publications wrote:

I'm just getting back to Rev after a long absence, having fooled around too long with Director MX for Mac OS X. Too bad Macromedia has turned it's back on Mac users with that stinking lousy piece of beta software. Anyway, I'm now running Rev 2.0.1 under OS X v10.2.6 and it's acting extremely flakey (Rev not Jaguar). I mean EXTREMELY flakey. At first I thought the problems were caused by having imported older Rev 1.1.1 stacks into Rev 2.0.1 so I spent all day reconstructing one particular stack. I'm finding that I can't use any keyboard shortcuts at all. None. Can't navigate from the keyboard, can't save the stack from the keyboard, can't toggle the message box. Nothing. Nada. This is extremely frustrating. I thought it might be my machine at work (an older slot loading 300 mHz G3 iMac) so I brought the stack home and the same problems occurred on my brand new 1 GHz G4 iMac. I tried both the PPC and OS X versions of Rev 2.0.1 with the same results.

Is anyone else having these problems?

My small business license runs out on July 23. I've already deleted Director MX from my hard drive. Do I need to do the same with Rev and maybe turn to REALBasic? What's a small spftware developer to do?

Cheers... Bill Lynn
Simtech Publications

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