I'm going to chime in that I also think the new pricing model is great. It is essentially what a number of us were asking for awhile ago.

To me the big news is the Express version. This becomes THE personal productivity tool for casual programers to write software for themselves. This joins a distinguished list of development environments (Applesoft Basic, MS DOS Basic, and HyperCard) but is available to everyone on any platform. This is incredible! I always thought the right price point should be in the $100 to $150 range and it is. These casual programmers likely will only develop on one platform and since it is for themselves, they won't care (at least initially) about building for other platforms.

Of course the beauty of this plan is that anyone who buys the Express version and wants to expand to other platforms can do so easily and cheaply by either upgrading to the Studio version or buying the Express version for the other platform(s) they want. Another option would be to collaborate with someone else who has a different platform and work together to build for multiple platforms. I think this is a win-win situation. The RunRev folks have sold software for multiple platforms to multiple people and the programmers can help each other which is also a good idea.

One of the other things I like about this plan is that upgrades to Studio and Enterprise version are easy to understand and have a clear set of benefits. If someone is really interested in doing more with Revolution they can and the prices are reasonable.

These intro prices are astounding and should become an impulse buy for a lot of people.

There are a few details the RunRev folks will need to clarify but I think this is terrific.

Viva la Revolution
Bill Vlahos

use-revolution mailing list

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