Hello list,

Iīm working with my co-workers in a mixed environment: Windows, OS9, OSX

In former times (before Rev 2.0) I built some little databases using a splash screen as mainstack and a database in a substack.

Building the standalones for Mac OS, Windows and OSX I crossed in the distribution-builder "Move substacks into individual files" and "Create folder for substacks "data"".

So I got for each OS a folder with a Program (=standalone of the (splash) main stack), say "Main_Win", "Main_OS9" and "Main_OSX" and identical folders "Data" with the substack inside.

I then copied the three Main-Programms together with a Data-Folder in a common folder to our shared NT-server, so all could use the database from their OSes.

Now with > Rev 2.0 there is a problem with OSX. If you build a standalone, the Distribution-builder builds a package with the database-substack inside. So I canīt use my method as written above.

I think, the possibility to build a package is ok, but I would like to have also the old arrangement with data-folder outside the package.

Do you know a solution for this problem?

Thanx in advance

Richard Hillen.

use-revolution mailing list

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