Hello list,

On Mac OSX, RR 2.1

there is a simple stack: one button with the script:

on mouseup
save this stack
if the result is not empty then
  answer the result with "ok"
  answer "saved!" with "ok"
end mouseup

If I run that script under the developer-environment with the stack on my HardDisk, no problems.

If I run the stack from our slow Windows-NT-Server, I get an error: "cant´open file"
On the server remains the stack with tilde.
If I retry, it gets saved without error.

Next try I get an error again, next time no error and so on.

If I use a OSX-standalone from Windows NT Server (using Dave), I get errors.
If I use a Windows-standalone from Windows NT Server, I can save without error.

I think, there is a timing problem.

Food for bugzilla?

Any Help? Thanx.

Richard Hillen.
use-revolution mailing list

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