At 7:26 pm +0100 13/11/03, Graham Samuel wrote:

I've asked about this before, but as I'm desperate I thought I'd try
once more.

I have an app in an advanced state of preparation - it's been
through a thorough beta test and I was left with just one error.
This was the one where I had two buttons whose icons were animated
GIFs, where one of the buttons consistently stopped animating when
the two buttons overlapped. I found a fix for this, but have no idea
why it worked - I moved the animated GIFs from the card they were on
to the card which the user sees (the one with the buttons on it). I
then set the coordinates of these GIFs to (-10000,-10000) in order
to make sure the user never sees them. All this worked fine on all
the platforms I usually test on (MacOS 9.2.2, MacOSX, Windows XP),
but it appears to crash and/or mess up the display when run on
Windows 95, Windows 98 and Windows ME. This didn't happen with
earlier versions of the app.

Are you absolutely sure this problem is also related to the animated GIFs and not a different problem? Can you test a version with the animated GIFs replaced with plain GIFs or just plain buttons and see if the problem is gone on those platforms? It would be extremely frustrating to try and fix the wrong problem.

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