I'm looking for an application for a small group of secretaries to use to do 2 things. The results of their work should be ultimately updated to a web page for others to view but they would have a more interactive interface to it. I'm thinking client-server type of interaction.

1. A communal note field. This would be used to update notes for the day including who is out sick, on travel, etc.

2. Scheduling of a small number of conference rooms (i.e. 4) as resources

I've looked around for something that does this but the only things I can find are either more sophisticated group calendaring applications which is overkill for what I want both in complexity and setup or try to do it with just with a web server and some sort of HTML editor which is too cumbersome for these folks.

It seems to me that Rev would be a natural environment to do this kind of app in and am considering writing one myself. However, I don't feel like I know enough about generating web pages and don't have the time available due to other projects. It seems like Tuviah's chat example would be an easy model to do the client-server part (with modifications) and then either have the app save html files to a web server or have the app itself be the web server which would be even better.

What I am really hoping for is that someone else has already done this or is working on such a program and become a customer of it.

Bill Vlahos

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