Below I pasted a piece of a .asp file off the web. I don't know but I think the <!--display quote--> is a tag but am not sure if it is xml or what.
What I want to do is capture just that part and add some code to it to better format the page. right now the <!--display paragraphs--> run together and I want to separate them. Right now they display but not very nice. There are no graphics and the page is generated daily. I need to know how best to handle this and what file type the .asp is????

So, if they are xml then can I use rev to parse the info????
If not then is my best bet to just search/offset the info and write my own html for use in rev???

This is from a daily generated quote from another private website and I want to create a floating window on the computer that displays their quotes in it and maybe clean it up a bit and make it look nice. If I am successful I will be donating it to them for their own distribution/downloading. Any help is really appreciated. Thanks.

snip --------
<hr width="100%">

<!-- display quote -->

<p align=center>

<i>"When we accept ourselves, we can accept others into our lives, unconditionally probably for the first time"</i></p>

<!-- display source -->

<p align=center>

<b><font size=+1>

IP 19, "Self-Acceptance"</font></b></p>


<!--display paragraphs-->

<p>From our earliest memories, many of us felt like we never belonged. No matter how big the gathering, we always felt apart from the crowd. We had a hard time "fitting in:' Deep down, we believed that if we really let others get to know us, they would reject us. </p>


Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.1, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 2.1.2

Advanced Media Group Thomas J McGrath III • 2003 • [EMAIL PROTECTED] 220 Drake Road, Bethel Park, PA 15102

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