On Feb 9, 2004, at 12:46 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

1) Your inability to answer a question about messaging does not make RR unfit for work in the Enterprise.

I didn't mean to imply that. I said: "I mean where $, property, or safety is actually at stake. ... It's a legitimate question, issue, and (perhaps) there are places where xtalks are not a good solution. A very few places."

I think there are lots of enterprise types of apps that are not mission critical and I wouldn't hesitate to use runrev for those.

Not that I'm saying you aren't smart about
these things, I know just the opposite is true, just looking at some of the
projects you've created in Rev points out your obvious skills:-)

Thank you.

But, salesmen come in all forms. I would suggest a different tact: Use RR to
prototype the mission critical tool.

Don't appeal to programmer productivity. I already know runrev is the most productive tool for me. That's not the issue. I asked: "How are you going to sell xtalks in a corporate environment where reliability and correctness is _more important than programmer productivity_ ?"

2) There are many factors which go into tool selection. Unfortunately for
RR, there are many which would seem to disqualify it before even starting.

Good points

All of that being said, I am currently working on 3 Enterprise class RR
applications. I did them all by prototyping and convincing the management
they can save LOTS of $$$ by letting us develop in RR vs VB or C. So far,
it's worked.

Great! Are they mission critical? (my definition = $, property or safety is at stake)

So, IMO, thinking of it a multimedia/game tool is most limiting.

Well yeah! Most of what I've used Rev for is business applications (the estimation model for ARC). But it's not mission critical. It's a fancy "calculator" that can be restarted or reworked if it doesn't work correctly.

-- Alex Rice | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

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