On Feb 9, 2004, at 11:12 AM, tuviah snyder wrote:
Well in some frameworks/languages this is a feature..but it would greatly
improve engine speed to be able to resolve which object gets the message and
prepare the parameters at compile time for certain user defined
functions/handlers.enabling Rev to skip the process of looking up the
handler/function in a lookup table each time it is called

So I'm for any syntax which would enable me to precompile some functions
(such as math functions, ect) without losing the flexibility in cases where
I may want to dynamically intercept messages like mousemove in a backscript.

Kinda like in C++ where the virtual keyword changes how the functions-object lookups are done at runtime? (totally from memory; I never was a good C++ programmer)

Alex Rice | Mindlube Software | http://mindlube.com

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