On 2/11/04 5:54 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The village people would sign songs about us

Not to beat a dead horse, but I have to add: In a previous incarnation I was a sign language interpreter. I have actually done this.

Off topic: We have a Renaissance Festival here, and one weekend they provided sign interpreters. I had to interpret a group of fishwives singing Ye Bawdy Olde English Drinking Songs -- one of which was entitled, and reiterated many times, "my husband has no courage in him."

There is really no legitimate sign for that. I chose to use a gradually drooping index finger. The entire audience, both hearing and deaf, never took their eyes off me for the whole performance. The singers were torn between being miffed at the lack of attention paid to them, and elated that they had never had so many laughs during any previous performance. Eventually they asked if I wanted to come back and do it again the next weekend.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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