

I've done a beta of  it in Director (ugh.  can't begin to tell you how
painful that was apparently because of a conflict between Director and a
M$ drag-n-drop thingy that resulted in repeated crashes that ultimately
resulted in my needing to emergency hose my HD a record FOUR TIMES).

On one side of the screen is a retro-looking TV graphic into which there
is a play button which plays the video of the sign for some body part,
which is displayed to the right.  The video is of an actual human
performing the sign.  This goes on for three to five body parts, then we
have the 'quiz':

Same setup:  TV to the left with play button for playing a video of a
sign, but this time to the right are *three* possible body parts; the user
clicks hopefully on the correct one, which transports them to the place
where they get to choose between hairy ears, pointed ears or bejeweled
ears for Mr/Ms Spudz...

I think it's doable... I just need to have less on my plate.

Of course, feedback is always welcomed!


On Fri, 13 Feb 2004, Ken Norris wrote:

> Probably the other way round ;-)
> You said:
> > For kids, make it into a game (hence, my Mr. Potatohead idea -- present
> > body parts to them -- the signs, that is
> ...Mr Potatohead doesn't have moveable hands/fingers AFAIK, so how can you
> have it present a sign?
> ...is what I meant...

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