On Mar 16, 2004, at 2:57 AM, John Tenny wrote:

And what's been the experience with importing data from PDAs into Rev, in some database format? How y'all doin' that?


Thats tricky!!!! depends on the plataform... but you could play like this, is you PDA connected to the internet and able to use HTTP for fetching and playing with Web pages? If so you can use ServerWorkz/revHTTPd ( http://home.soapdog.org:8081/ ) for it can transport automatically between html forms and rev stacks, or you can use LibCGI if you don't want to launch a custom HTTPd

If you don't want to use web pages, you might still use revHTTPd and/or LibCGI for the dirty work by arranging PDA data as XML and POSTing it to a running server on the desktop. This would be easier with revHTTPd for it's a self contained solution, LibCGI requires a running HTTP server like apache.

By using appForge (http://www.appforge.com) you can quickly create PalmOS/PocketPC apps that do understand about HTTP so syncing is easy as long as you have a network connection.

For hotsync connection I don't know any info, but it hotsync can be used for internet sharing, than, we get back on business. If this thread is important, I can DEMO a PalmOS Custom app + Revolution Desktop App solution. What do all think?


Andre Alves Garzia - Soap Dog Studios - BRAZIL

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