Ken, by using the keys function aren't you also optimizing on the fact that the search string is highly redundant? It's not technically against the rules here, but obviously in a real world situation would likely fall over. That said, if you get the keys once before the repeat loop you save about 25% (in my tests):

on mouseUp
  local tFind,tSearch,tLine,tMatchList,tTicks
  put "" into fld "TheResults"
  put the milliseconds into sMS
  put field "SearchTextList" into stList
  repeat for each line tLine in fld "TargetText"
    put "" into tMatchList[tLine]
  end repeat
  put keys(tMatchList) into tMatchList
  repeat for each line stLine in stList
    if stLine is in tMatchList then put stLine & cr after MatchList
  end repeat
  put MatchList into fld "TheResults"
  put the milliseconds - sMS && "ms" into cd fld "SpeedRecords"
end mouseUp


Geoff Canyon

On Apr 14, 2004, at 10:31 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

Here's a winner using your test stack:

on mouseUp
local tFind,tSearch,tLine,tMatchList,tTicks
put "" into cd fld "TheResults"
put the milliseconds into sMS
put cd fld "TargetText" into theText
put field "SerachTextList" into stList
repeat for each line tLine in theText
put "" into tMatchList[tLine]
end repeat
repeat for each line stLine in stList
if stLine is in keys(tMatchList) then put stLine & cr after MatchList

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