Why not put an announcement in

Both put in articles for books about programming and
have a wide audience of ahem, geeks...

Little is known or mentioned of RR or MC or hypercard anymore
but Wired.com has run articles on it in the past.

Surely a small article in each will draw hords to both RR
and the book.

One of the benefits of pushing the EuroRevCon has been just what you are referring to...exposure of Rev to people who may have not heard about it. Marketing a product or event is not easy and is usually expensive.

The Apple Developer Connection Newsletter has carried
a notice about the EuroRevCon for quite a few issues.
The ADC newsletter goes out to approx. 200,000 people
according to Rod McCall.

For several issues the ADC has carried this announcement:
At 2:39 -0700 7/19/04, Apple Developer Connection wrote:

European Revolution Conference November 14-16 in Malta http://www.techietours.com/Rev/

Having the EuroRevCon be a success is also important, we need a few more
people to sign on. If you are considering it please get in touch with me,
just as Dan SHafer did this week when he told me wants to come and will
be available to speak or otherwise do what he can to promote Rev.


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