On Aug 7, 2004, at 1:15 AM, Chipp Walters wrote:

It's really easy to get all the windows on a single window.

First, navigate to any window where RR is 'frontmost' then command-option click the desktop. This effectively minimizes all the windows for RR. Next navigate to the desktop you want all the windows on, then cmd-tab to bring up the task switcher and select RR from the icons. All the RR windows will appear together on whichever desktop is 'active.'

Hey, not bad.

Yeah, the panel manager thing becomes a "must have" functionality after a while... helps keep things better sorted out in your head as well as on the screen.

I'm going to work with this one a bit more. I know there are several alternatives, but this is the most complete free one I've seen, that's for sure.
RPSystems, Ltd.

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