On Tuesday, September 7, 2004, at 09:01 PM, Sarah Reichelt wrote:

Things are going much better now :-)

I'm trying to compile another app which uses XML but it won't work.
Now it works.
I'm trying to compile a third app which uses speech but it won't work.
Now it works
I am trying to compile an app which uses MySQL but it won't work.
This one still doesn't work.
Yes , I feel the pain because have the same problem . In the IDE no problem ,not after compilation, but no problem on win. 2k except for "Oracle"
I'm still wondering how somebody succeeded to connect to "postgres" on X 10.2 because that is the db I'm using and can't get it to work at all. I also tried to connected with 2.2 and get the id number and use it with 2.5 but, error, not a valid connection id. I'm forced to use 2.2 , well hopefully not for to long I hope it'll be fixed very soon.
When I add a button to tell me the externals of the mainStack, it comes back empty.
When I test to see which stacks are in use, it shows me two stacks: my own mainStack that I put into use to try and get the SQL library accessible to other stacks, and one called "revExternalLibrary"

Monte: is this part of the same problem, or should I bugzilla this as a separate database externals problem?


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