Leston Drake wrote:
If anyone has any explanations about what conditions cause this, I would be very interested.

RunRev would know, since they fixed it. The tough part is finding a RR employee with time to participate in this list. :)

Also wondering if anyone knows of a "on firstIdle" type of event/message that could be handled instead of the openCard message

You could set a flag in a global, but that means your idle handler will be wasting clock cycles several dozen times a second for the rest of your app's runtime.

Looking for work-arounds - I'm at the end of a year long project and am not too excited about doing a major upgrade that could potentially introduce all kinds of problems.

No workaround needed: just upgrade to the current version and it's taken care of for you.

Also, as you described this is not an issue in a standalone. It was a bug in the IDE, so it would only show itself if you plan to ship your product as a stack file bundled with the Rev development environment, and only an older version of Rev at that.

If you really need to get the older development environment to send that message, you could make a simple stack that sends openCard to the topstack. Save this lil' stack to the Plugins folder and it'll always be handily available.

But really, there were a *LOT* of bug fixes in v2.5 (the goal was a majority of outstanding issues and the result was more like 70%). The simplest solution is to just use the current version.

 Richard Gaskin
 Fourth World Media Corporation
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]       http://www.FourthWorld.com
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