--- Jérôme Rosat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I would like to create a list field containing in
> each row an image, 
> its number and its name.
> The image size should make 16 X 16 pixels.
> I imagine I should first:
> - open a connection to my DB
> - execute a SQL query to select all rows of the
> table.
> I think I should use the imageSource property but I
> have got  no idea 
> how to use it to create the list and fix the size of
> the images.
> Does somebody have an idea ?
> Thank you for you help.
> Jérôme Rosat

Bonjour Jérôme,

As I don't recall seeing a reply to this on the list,
I thought I'd give you some advice (better late than
never, right ?)

Text field images are either stored in the stack and
refered to by their ID or name, or are external to
your stack and refered to by a URL (http or file)

So if the data is stored in a MySQL database, you'll
have to take two steps to accomplish your goals :

1) get the image data from the database and
temporarily store them inside an image control (this
control can be offscreen, or hidden)

2) then set the imagesource of a chunk of your field
to the ID of the image :
  set the imageSource of char 1 of line 2 of \
      field "Foobar" to "myImageName"

Hope this helped,

Jan Schenkel.

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