Hi Kaveh,

I am using OS X with RR 2.5.

I have a main stack for which I need a drawer stack, permanently available.
I am confused about the relationship between the two stacks.

If the drawer stack is not open, the main stack will complain that it
cannot see it. When they are open, all is well as far as data goes, but I
need to say

  drawer stack "settings"

in order to turn the "settings" stack into a drawer. I have to do this
every time. And I need to make sure both stacks are open.

How can I have the drawer stack saved with the main file, and transparently
attached to it?

hmmm, let me see if i understand you right...

Is your "settings" stack a substack of your main stack? Well, sounds like :-)

But in that case you should be able to access the substack and all of its controls
without having to open it first...

And to have the drawer always available, just open (drawer) it in your pre-/openstack

But maybe i am not getting your right...?

Kaveh Bazargan


Klaus Major

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