Be Welcome Todd,

First, be warned, after Revolution you will never want to code again in any other enviroment ever. :-D

You did the best thing ever to a newbie which is ordering Dan's Book, if I'd had such book when I was starting rev, man, I would be very very very happy, I think I'll take my two copies to the Revolution Masters Sumit to get them signed! :D

Externals are very specific things, I for example can't live without RevZeroConf external for most of my work is network related and I make heavy use of ZerConf/Rendevouz features.
The four things I think no xTalker should ever live without are:

* the altToolbar plugins. Chipp from Altuit made a nice plugin toolbar with user manageable altPlugins. They cover a broad range of tools but the most usefull for me is altArchive which will save backups of your stack when you save it, like incremental backups so that you can rollback. I don't use my save button anymore... Another cool one is their HTML "editor" plugin which is very handy and altBackdrop which is also handy. You can see them all at:

* the devolution toolkit by Richard from Fourth World. It's a toolkit that do more then replace the standard tool palettes, it provides many aditional features and tools. I like for example being able to access stack and object scripts in a quick way, also I like the tools bundled with it specially the form maker, the camera tool (used every single day, almost made a standalone out of it) and the desktop tool, and theres much more.. You can see more of Devolution here:

* The revNET plugin. Also by Fourth World, this is an AOL-like online journal and resource index specifically for Revolution and MetaCard Developers. RevNet's index of downloadable stacks provides a form so you can add your own stacks, making them instantly available to all RevNet users. Also contains a convenient index to the Sons of Thunder Revolution Tips archive, links to Web pages devoted to Revolution and MetaCard, and more. (yes, I copy & Pasted the about text) download it here:

* the PrefsBuilder plugin by Frederic Rinaldi. I think this is the plugin I am using most today. After learning about this plugin during the EuroRevDev Conference, I patched all my apps to make use of this really easy to use preference stack. All your prefs/settings/defaults needs are plain easy with it. Here:

Another thing I like doing is seeing other people apps made with Rev, I do this for inspiration, to see how good we can get and esoteric stuff like that. This list is the best resource to rev, feel free to drop emails! :D

Cheers and welcome

On Feb 19, 2005, at 7:55 PM, Todd Higgins wrote:

Hi Everyone,

I purchased Dreamcard last fall and I upgraded to Revolution last month just in time to take advantage of the AltBrowser/MagicCarpet Xmas combo (Thanks Kevin and Chipp for the generous offer!)

I have learned quite a lot about Revolution by reading the list (though I don't know how anyone can keep up with all of the traffic) and I want the makers of Revolution to know that part of the reason I decided to go with Revolution was because of the high quality (and personable) nature of the list.

Like Len Morgan (another Revolution beginner on the list - Hi Len) I am having a hard time grokking Revolution. It seems like most people who come to Revolution have had previous experience with Hypercard (alas I was not so lucky, the first Mac I bought was a IIsi and it only came with the Hypercard player and I could not find the "full" version.)

I am an experienced computer user, who has dabbled with Applescript and some shell scripting for my customers, but I have never worked in an IDE and have never developed a GUI tool. (My daytime job is "System Engineer" where I work on OS X Servers and W2K Servers)

When I was evaluating Revolution previously, I remember seeing a tutorial section under help. I couldn't seem to find it in the 2.5 version, so I just ordered Dan's book : )

What other good habits would I do well to develop? Also, what plugins or externals do people consider "essential" to the Revolution development experience? I have read about a few on the list, but I'm not sure if the apply to me (or if I would just be unnecessarily complicating my learning curve) Any suggestions will be gratefully accepted!



Todd Higgins
ASG Systems Engineer
MICRO Technology Groupe, Inc
voice: 215-788-6811 fax: 215-788-1766
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www:
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Andre Alves Garzia  2004  BRAZIL

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