Hi Bill,

Glad to help with the SQL statement.

But I would ask of you (or anyone else) how your ODBC
connection is working. I have installed Dreamcard onto my
 work PC, and cannot for the life of me to get a
 connection to SQL Server thru the ODBC connection.
I've created the DSN for the connection to SQL Server,
and tested it with MS Access - no problem.
Now back in Dreamcard, I've created the Database Query
 with the Builder, clicked on the "Connect" button. 
It returns connected to the Connection status.
On the Record Set tab, I click on the Table drop down
but nothing happens - it returns nothing. I've also typed in the SQL SELECT 
statement and then clicked on the
 Refresh query button, but then Dreamcard returns 
"Not Responding", and I have to kill the session.

Using Dreamcard (not sure so far, that is the right name),
what is it looking for as related to the ODBC connection?
I guess my real question is - HOW DO I GET THIS TO WORK?
sorry, this is getting frustrating!!



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