Thanks for the reply Jacque,

The issue is that the keystrokes *are* passed to my application even when
Rev is *not* in front BUT this only occurs on OS X. I need to be able to count
keystrokes on Windows machines also. [This is for an application which provides
therapy and prevention for musculoskeletal problems caused by sitting at the
computer and working for too many hours without a break. ]

On the PC side I have only tested on XP (two different machines so far, thanks Klaus)
and the script shown below is only working on Macs right now. I need to count keystrokes
on PCs also.


At 9:50 PM -0500 4/25/05, J. Landman Gay wrote:
The repeat loop might be hogging the cpu and could cause problems. I'd suggest something like this if you were using only Rev:

global tCount

on rawKeyDown
 add 1 to tCount
 pass rawKeyDown
end rawKeyDown

But I'm not sure the keypresses would be passed to Rev if it weren't in front. I suppose you've already tried it.

On 4/25/05 1:18 PM, sims wrote:

I am using  Rev 2.5.1 on Mac OS X to count keystrokes that are typed
in any application that I have running - it keeps a running total of how many
keys I hit no matter what applications I use (MS Word, Eudora, etc.).

I use one btn with the script shown below and one fld which I lock so
I don't accidently place text in it and mess up my count.

When I try this same Rev file on Windows XP it doesn't work.
Can anyone tell me what I might have to do to get this to work
(keep a running total of the number of keys hit) on Windows?

Thanks in advance,

on mouseUp
          send "mouseUp" to me in 200 millisecs
end mouseUp

on busyHands repeat put the KeysDown into tKeys if the KeysDown is not empty then add 1 to fld "strokesClicks" exit busyHands end if wait 10 millisecs with messages if the optionKey is down then exit repeat end repeat end busyHands

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