On 28 Apr 2005, at 17:59, Dennis Brown wrote:


This is a simplified algorithm that I think would best translate directly between Transcript and PostgreSQL for a time trial. Just make sure the PostgreSQL code is an item by item algorithm also.


Transcript output on my machine: 1,000,000 Element Sum = 500500000 Elapsed Time = 11.467659 seconds.

on mouseUp
global gTestArray
if number of lines of the keys of gTestArray is not 1000000 then --already done the init
put empty into gTestArray --start with an empty a variable
repeat with x = 1 to 1000
repeat with y = 1 to 1000
put x into gTestArray[x,y]
end repeat
end repeat
end if
put the long seconds into st
get the long seconds
put " Elapsed Time ="&&(it - st)&&"seconds." after msg
end mouseUp

on Method6 -- Add elements using keyed arrays
  global gTestArray
  put 0 into total
  repeat with x = 1 to 1000
    repeat with y = 1 to 1000
      add gTestArray[x,y] to total
    end repeat
  end repeat
  put "1,000,000 Element Sum = "&total
end Method6

Hi again with a little addition,

The initialization of the test array takes about 36 seconds.
Following version does the same in much shorter time:

on mouseUp
put the long seconds into zap
--if number of lines of the keys of gTestArray is not 1000000 then --already done the init
put empty into gTestArray --start with an empty a variable
repeat with i = 1 to 1000
put i&comma after x
end repeat
repeat 1000
put x after gTestArray
end repeat
split gTestArray by comma
put the long seconds - zap
--end if
put the long seconds into st
get the long seconds
put " Elapsed Time ="&&(it - st)&&"seconds." after msg
end mouseUp

In this case the initialization takes about 10 seconds on the slowbook
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