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Hmm... well, first of all, a scripting language *is* a real programming language. Just because a language isn't compiled doesn't mean it isn't real. In fact, every language is interpreted; even "compiled" languages are simply translated into machine language, which is interpreted by the computer's processor. It's just a matter of whether the language is interpreted by hardware, or by software.

Second, I for one have a Masters degree in Computer Science, and would not have made a fraction of the progress I have on the project I am doing right now if I were using something other than Rev -- one of those so-called "real" programming languages.

As for an object-oriented programming language, no Rev is *not* an object-oriented programming language, at least not in the traditional sense.

For example, in Rev, let's say we want to change the label of the button; we do this with a command like:

set the label of button "My Button" to "Hello"

In other words, we are giving an instruction to Rev, such that our script code changes the button's label. In more traditional OOP, we instead send a message to the button, asking it to change its own label; something more like (pseudo-code, not necessarily in any "real" programming language):

tell button "My Button" to set its label to "Hello"

At first the distinction may seem quite subtle, and you may not recognize the benefits to this, but consider that I want to create a new type of button with certain characteristics, one of which is that the label of the button always begin with a digit. I can enforce this by having the button reject an attempt to set its label to anything other than a string starting with a digit (again with the pseudo-code):

when asked to set my label to x
  if char 1 of x is a number then
    set the label of me to x
    throw "Invalid Label"
  end if
end when asked to set my label

Note that the prior code would still work the same way, and would not need to know what kind of button it was dealing with (of course, it would have an exception raised with this kind of button, since "Hello" does not start with a digit...)

We can't currently do this with Rev.

On Apr 30, 2005, at 9:06 AM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

I know there has been lots of discussion on this topic since I joined the
list and I know many Rev'ers on this list have converted to Rev as their dev
language of first choice.

I'm having a continuing conversation with my provider about using his sever
to serve my Rev app. First was he highly recommended MSSQL, which the list
took exception to. Then I suggested he take a look at RunRev as a
development tool himself (hoping to get some local expertise using Rev on a
server) and here was his reply...

"it is more of scripting language that a real programming language â which
is awesome for the non-technical developers like me and you, but is not a
true object oriented application language which is being taught in

I don't know what to say about that.

Are there are x-talk/OOP languages that are compiled,
or, a difference between an OOP and an x-talk language,
or, maybe he just assumed that Rev is not a true OOP on first glance? ...

on 4/26/05 10:30 AM, Frank D. Engel, Jr. wrote:

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It's one of the few databases I'd consider inferior to MySql, not
because it lacks cross-platform compatibility, but because it is a
Microsoft product ;-)

Realistically, any of the major database servers will have advantages
and disadvantages compared to the others.  I personally like
PostgreSQL: it is free for both noncommercial *and* commercial use
(unlike MySql, which is only free for non-commercial use), it is
reasonably fast and quite powerful, fully ACID-compliant, supports
stored procedures, views, and so forth, has a sizable user community,

And it runs just fine on my OS X box, along with Windows, Linux, and a
variety of other platforms.

On Apr 26, 2005, at 8:49 AM, Jim Carwardine wrote:

What about the differences between MySQL and MSSQL. The proponents of
are adamant that it is far better. Is it really? Of course, it's not
x-platform, which is a mark against it in my books... Jim

on 4/25/05 3:58 PM, Bill wrote:

Yes I agree that SQL is the way to go. I can't wait until the MySQL to
SQLite utility is released so that I can try SQLite. I think it will
faster at connecting.

On 4/25/05 2:17 PM, "Dan Shafer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Anyone else thinking along these lines?

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OYF is... Highly resourceful people working together.

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Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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