On 4/30/05 4:53 PM, Paul Salyers wrote:

Close I now have:


At least the quotes & comas are in place but the information in the data is not getting saved.

I used:

put quote & gData1 & quote & comma & quote & gData1 & quote & comma & quote & gData1 & quote & comma & quote & gData1 & quote & comma & quote & gData1

When you get the name of the variable instead of the contents, it is almost always because nothing has been put into the variable to initialize it.

Your variable names start with "g" -- are they intended as global variables? Are they declared as globals?

Also, try this in the message box:

  global gData1;put gData1

Does the message box show a value?

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
HyperActive Software           |     http://www.hyperactivesw.com
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