Dan, Sivakatirswami,

This approach assumes you have mirror imaging 'OFF' in order to have two distinct screen areas. I don't know how (applescript, do process, shell) to do this. Or how to detect this to not get errors. Something like "If the system has two monitors (?) then turn off 'video mirroring' then do 'split screen' and set this window to main screen and send that window to alt screen'.

I don't see where knowing these things is within REVs builtin capabilities.

From the docs:
If the system has more than one monitor, the screenLoc function returns the rectangle of the main screen.

Use the screenName function to control where applications that Revolution starts up should appear.
On Unix systems, the screenName function returns the string provided by the XDisplayName function call. When starting a process with the open process command or the shell function, if you want the process to appear on the same screen as Revolution, use the value returned by the screenName as the argument to the -d option.
This function does not return a useful value on Mac OS and Windows systems.


On May 2, 2005, at 8:23 AM, Dan Soneson wrote:


Here's what you can do:

You need to have a computer that can support a second monitor as an extension of the computer's monitor. On the mac side, only the professional line (PowerBook, G5 tower) has this function built in. You cannot make this work with an iBook, an eMac or an iMac AFAIK. On the Windows platform, most laptops now have this functionality. You set the monitor size and location of the extended screen in the display pane of the system preferences panel on Mac OSX, and in the display settings utility in Windows.

Create two stacks, one for the user's computer and one for the projector. Set the location of the projector stack to the location of the "second monitor" You then control the projector stack from the computer monitor stack. You could set up notes for each screen of the presentation, perhaps a "thumbnail" image of what is being projected, and navigation buttons to go to the next or previous screens. You could have each card in the display stack correspond to a specific card in the "control" stack. Then in your "next" button, for example, have two lines:

on mouseUp
  go next cd
  go next cd of stack "display Stack"
end mouseUp

Unfortunately, you need access to a second monitor or projector when developing the stack, or a nice large cinema display in order to see both stacks at once.


Oops I think I actually forgot to ask my question:

How do you do this in Revolution:

Keynote can output one window to the channel that goes out to the
projector -- > video port. i.e. it shows on the screen. and the second
window is locked onto the personal PC's LCD screen, where the latter
window has notes for the presentor which are not seen by the audience
who are watching output to the project --> large display screen in the
front of the hall.

Daniel B. Soneson Director, Language Lab Southern CT State University

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