Le 3 mai 05, à 02:14, Todd Higgins a écrit :

Hi Todd,


Keep in mind that with Tiger (10.4), Apple is providing a new method to start daemons, and other background services -launchd. It is part of the both the client and server. I would imagine that if you were deploying your app on 10.3 or lower you could package it up just like you do for linux. But 10.4 on up it looks like launchd is the way to go.

From Apple's website:

launchd provides faster startup through a unified framework for starting, stopping and managing daemons, and incorporates inetd, init, mach_init, System Starter and related services. Administrators have a single mechanism for auditing, configuring and setting resources limits on services.

Many thanks for this very interesting alert. Will go to the ADC docs to see closely what Apple is proposing in this way to (try to ?) become as confortable as others unixes are in about those kind of tasks ;-)





On May 2, 2005, at 1:38 PM, Pierre Sahores wrote:

Hello to All,

I use Rev as a deamon server (alike Apache, PostgreSQL and so on - not just as a CGI engine) under the linux platform in starting stack's instances in the Init System V way. I would be interested to know if anyone can say if it is possible to get the same result under the Mac OS X platform and if yes, how to set up Rev to be able to start it as a deamon application (witch engine and librairies, how to build the start-up adequate component) ?

Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Best Regards,

Pierre Sahores

100, rue de Paris
F - 77140 Nemours


GSM:   +33 6 03 95 77 70
Pro:      +33 1 64 45 05 33
Fax:      +33 1 64 45 05 33


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Todd Higgins
ASG Systems Engineer
MICRO Technology Groupe, Inc
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