
>I regularly have a look at your blogs and forums. My intention was not to 
>concurrence, only to create a resource targetting a more specialized 

Im honored ;) And "concurrence" better known as "competition" in english 
is actually
healthy so i'll be glad if you do - the more we have of runrev out there, 
the more likely
it will be see by others! ;))

>You evoked the model... In fact, the wiki framework I use, 
>let you add such a news+comments system (the module is installed, I 
disabled it
>on my wiki as well as the blogs -- more info at:, 
>source, easy to install, easy to manage). 

Unfortunately, I went the PHPNuke way - it was the right "wiki" at the 
time and it's quite
powerful. Also easy to manage but not always easy to modify ;)

>Why not also consider RSS feeds? This
>would facilitate the rapid exchange of news about revolution on the 

True but in this case. I had rss feeds on my website and for those of 
Metacard list too.
But the MC rss never moved and i'd rather have people come to my site for 
the news


>>Last month, I had a hacker insert half a dozen comments of totally 
>>origin into my story's comments - some 900 comments in total! Not good 
>>my google ranking... I'd suggest you be aware that html PUT or SEND 
>>can be had for a ride at your expense...
>>But i was bolder, i required no registration for comments - too bad for
>>me... Fixed now... ;)
>>MySQL cleansing was done thanks to RunRev in 5 minutes time thanks also 
>>I'd like to share more openly but there always that user-level-agreement
>>thing that is not working ;)
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