Has the hard disk containing the file spun down at the time of the second 'put'? That's one thing that will prevent a write/put. If that's the case, you can force the HD to start spinning again by getting 'the files' or 'the detailed files'. Then you can write successfully.

Insert the following code immediately after the 'put' line. It might yield a clue:

  get the result
  if it <> empty then
    answer it
  end if

Phil Davis

Derek Bump wrote:
Would someone be so kind and please analyze the following script to tell me why it will only write the data to the Preferences file just once, and every time afterward it will not write anything?

on setPref prefName,prefData
put prefData into preferencesData[prefName]
put the keys of preferencesData into theKeys
repeat with x=1 to the number of lines in theKeys
put line x of theKeys & "=" & preferencesData[(line x of theKeys)] &cr after newData
end repeat
put newData into url ("file:Preferences.dat")
end setPref

Derek Bump Dreamscape Software
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