Chipp Walters wrote:

Those of you hot to trot to grab Tiger, may want to wait a bit...

Couple of things.

It turns out Tiger isn't quite as bug free as everyone thought.


Yep. Too true. I got a new 12" PowerBook this week with Tiger pre-installed. When I tried publishing a couple of my iCal calendars (which I maintain for several clubs I belong to and host their websites), i was not able to update them. For awhile this afternoon the changes DID post, but the "published on" date was in Dec 1969. Now they're back to displaying the version before I tried the updates today, after a brief period when I got a message that "your .Mac iCal is temporarily unavailable." According to a number of entries in the iCal list at I'm not the only one having problems with iCal 2.0. Luckily, I've still got 10.2 on another machine, so I'll do my updating from there until Apple fixes this.

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