Hi Roger,

In the event that you have not looked into changing the properties of the Ask dialog to meet your needs, the stack Ask Dialog can be found when Revolution UI Elements in Lists is selected in View Menu and found in the Applications Browser. The various properties of the Ask Dialog can be changed. Don't know if the changes will be retained upon making a standalone.

Regards ... Bob

On Sunday May 8th Roger wrote:

<<Sorry for the confusion, I did want a wider user's reply text field.
I am asking the user to edit text entries that have as many as 100

So based on others replies to this question.  I've come up with a
solution that seems to work:  If I put a number of spaces after my
prompt (within the quotes), it seems to expand the width of the Ask
dialog accordingly.  For example if I use "Edit this
item:                    " with sufficient spaces as the prompt, it
seems to do the trick.  What do you think?

Thanks, Roger>>

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