I love this clock example. Just so simple. You guys are great! I could not resist seeing how the thinking was progressing and took it to the next step. Fewer lines, more accuracy (I have often noted that the simplest most elegant solutions take the most time to create and the least time to understand). As Ben suggested, this clock should be a standard example for new users to look at. I will also add it to my revOnline user area (see3d) as soon as today's connect problem is fixed.

on openCard
end openCard

on setTime
  set the itemDelimiter to ":"
  get word 1 of the long time --8:13:15
  put it & char 2 to 5 of (the long seconds mod 1) into fld "Time"
set the startangle of grc "hour" to 90 - (30 * item 1 of it) - (item 2 of it) / 2 set the startangle of grc "minute" to 90 - (6 * item 2 of it) - (item 3 of it) / 10
  set the startangle of grc "second" to 90 - (6 * item 3 of it)
  send "setTime" to me in 60-(the long seconds mod 1)*60 ticks
end setTime


On May 30, 2005, at 3:03 AM, Geoff Canyon wrote:

I originally went with polygon graphics, which put me at about twenty lines of code by your way of counting (including "on" and "end" statements).

Switching to oval graphics I got it down to 11 lines, which sweep both the hour and minute hands. But the second hand is jumpy. Simply using send...in just about always results in the second hand either taking noticeably too long or too short to measure a second here or there. So I added code to time seconds more finely. This results in the second hand always ticking when it's supposed to. The display shows the long seconds, and you can watch the updates hit consistently in the first tenth of a second or so. It puts me up at 18 lines of code, but the result is worth it I think:

on openCard
end openCard

local sTime
on setTime
  put word 1 of the long time into tTime
  if tTime is sTime then
    send "setTime" to me in 5 ticks
    exit setTime
  end if
  put tTime into sTime
  put sTime && the long seconds into fld "time"
  set the itemDelimiter to ":"
set the startangle of grc "hour" to 90 - (30 * item 1 of sTime) - (item 2 of sTime) / 2 set the startangle of grc "minute" to 90 - (6 * item 2 of sTime) - (item 3 of sTime) / 10
  set the startangle of grc "second" to 90 - (6 * item 3 of sTime)
  send "setTime" to me in 50 ticks
end setTime

The stack is available by executing this in the message box:

go stack url "http://www.inspiredlogic.com/rev/clock.rev";

On May 27, 2005, at 4:08 PM, Malte Brill wrote:

Sorry, couldnīt resist

on mouseUp
  if the flag of me is empty then set the flag of me to false
  set the flag of me to not the flag of me
  if the flag of me then startClock
end mouseUp

on startclock
  put the long time into myTime
  put myTime into fld 1
  set the itemdel to ":"
  put char 1 to 2 of item 3 of myTime into daSecs
  set the startAngle of grc "seconds" to 90-dasecs*6
  put item 2 of myTime into daMinutes
  set the startangle of grc minutes to 90-daminutes*6
  put item 1 of myTime into daHours
  set the startAngle of grc "hours" to 90-dahours*30-daminutes*30/60
  if the flag of me then send startClock to me in 500 milliseconds
end startclock



Create 3 oval graphics
set arcangle of each graphic to zero
loc of all 3 needs to be the same
1 field to put the time in



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