> > Any Game Theory adepts in the list?
> In theory, yes... in practice too many other things to do :-((((.

i know the feeling ;) 

> Why not create an entry page on the education wiki, projects 
> page 
> <http://revolution.lexicall.org/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=Revol
> It's easier to manage for us, educator... we contribute when 
> we can find a week where we can actually do some rev 
> programming (wish could do it more often).

i'll give it a try later ;) I'll try to dig out my econ notes too ;)

> Is this: 
> <http://www.topcoder.com/tc?module=Static&d1=tutorials&d2=dynP
rog> of interest to you? Dynamic programming, game-oriented

Nice but in this case a semantical approach is quite a bit more
insidious shall we say ;)
> Thanks for the code, I was looking for a similar solution to 
> another problem.

That relates to
The tao you can describe is not the tao ;)
Meaning if it applies elsewhere, it's a better tao/way...


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