On Jun 6, 2005, at 12:19 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:

For the love of God, all my objC code will need a rebuild, also all externals for mac will need one too...

One would hope that would be trivial and can be done overnight, but there are likely to be compromises that have to be addressed by hand. Even then, that might not be so bad.

Also, who will buy a G5 now?

That may the bigger issue. If the Apple plane goes into a nose-dive, I might not get my soda and peanuts. You might not get that mass conversion utility.

I wonder if this means more freeBSD utilities will be available.

This may not mean that OS X can run on a PC or the other way around.

Is this related to Metrowerks selling their '86 compiler?

In our scripts we should not depend on OS X as an indicator of byte order.


    DSC (Dar Scott Consulting & Dar's Lab)
    A pig's gotta fly.     --  Porco Rosso

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